Who were you
designed to be?
What could change if you lived this today?
1:1 Coaching
Individual coaching is primarily and not exclusively for women, queer and non-binary leaders of color who seek greater self determination and self expression in their life and leadership.
In coaching, you will find answers to your deepest questions, transform limiting beliefs, attune to your authentic voice, and reclaim your purpose – supported by your body’s wisdom, ancestors’ guidance, and the presence of Spirit. There are many modalities we can utilize including somatics, parts work, guided visualization, breath work, reflection on your core needs and values, and sound healing. You will be at choice in the pathways we follow.
Listen with curiosity
Voice your truths
Shape new worlds
group Coaching
Creating a container for honest and brave conversations can help teams uncover patterns, mental models, and structures (existing and absent) which get in the way of trustful collaboration and collective flow states.
In group coaching, your team will build capacity to be in the discomfort of disagreement and/or conflict and practice deep listening and inquiry in non-reactive and non-defensive ways. Group coaching supports teams in honoring both their multiplicity and interdependence, each member’s sovereignty and belonging through somatic and heart-centered practices that nurture mutual support and accountability.

“All flourishing is mutual.”
– Robin Wall Kimmerer