What liberatory futures are we dreaming into?
How do we
co-create those
futures now?
Meeting Facilitation
Meetings are a microcosm of organizational culture. They are a powerful space to nurture relationships of trust, honor divergent ways of being, knowing, and doing, make values-aligned decisions and realize concrete goals.
I work with small representative design teams in creating meetings that achieve success across the dimensions of relationships, process, and results so that participants feel valued and connected, processes feel inclusive and accessible and results feel tangible and mission aligned.

“Organisms do not experience environments.
They create them.”
– Richard Lewontin
Retreat Facilitation
Retreats offer us a sacred pause from day to day operations to slow down and go deep. We enter liminal space to surface and release what is stuck to make space for the new in the form of culture shifts, new structures, or program iteration. I work with small representative design teams to surface the needs, hopes, challenges and opportunities experienced by their organization and to identify clear retreat outcomes based on this.
With this roadmap, we co-design a retreat that deepens relationships and trust, metabolizes mindsets and habits that block our vision, and nurtures conditions for transformational collaboration, giving participants a taste of the new ways of being they are birthing.
“There is a conversation
in the room that only
these people at this
moment can have...
Find it.”
“There is a conversation in the room that
only these people at this moment can have...
– adrienne maree brown